At Rebranditt, we specialize in creating top-of-the-line apps that are optimized for both IOS and Android platforms. Our team of experts will design and develop a custom-made solution that meets all the specific needs of your business. Whether it’s a simple app or a complex one, we ensure that it performs seamlessly on all devices.


Mobile App design & development:

Push notifications have a high engagement rate, with 9 out of 10 customers reading them within just three minutes of receiving them. This is just one of the many benefits of having a custom-designed mobile app tailored to your brand’s needs.

At Rebranditt, we understand the importance of making your business accessible to consumers. That’s why we have a team of experienced app designers and developers who are dedicated to bringing your vision to life. We’ll work closely with you to study your market and anticipate changes, ensuring that your app is equipped to provide the best possible solutions for your business. With our help, you can be sure that your app will be optimized for success.

Contact us today  if you want to give your consumers a more efficient method to engage with your company, reward loyalty, or if you just have a brilliant app concept you want us to develop.

What exactly are Mobile applications?

In today’s fast-paced world, customers are constantly on the go, which makes it more important than ever for businesses to find new and innovative ways to reach them. One effective way to do this is through mobile apps. These programs, which can be used on smartphones, tablets, and smartwatches, allow users to access your company’s information, products, and services from anywhere in the world.

Mobile technology is a powerful tool that businesses should not overlook, and apps are a key component of this technology. Not only do they play a critical role in attracting and retaining customers, but they are also essential in the age of mobile internet usage. With more than 60% of global internet traffic coming from mobile devices and tablets, according to BroadbandSearch, having a well-designed app can be a vital tool for reaching and engaging your target audience.

The benefits of Mobile Apps for business

  • Enhancing your brand’s reputation.
  • Enhancing accessibility and visibility.
  • Elevating online sales.
  • Amplifying exposure on multiple devices.
  • A dependable marketing channel.

Types of applications

Loyalty apps 

A loyalty app from Rebranditt is an effective way to engage and reward your customers by allowing them to earn and track loyalty points on the go. It’s a smart approach that helps your brand stand out and attract new customers. Our loyalty apps come equipped with several useful features.

A list of products and services

  • News and events.
  • Latest offers and promotions.
  • Quick call options for contact details.
  • Advanced booking platform.
  • Loyalty program with QR code integration.
  • Management platform to easily track and manage rewards.

Promo apps:

Promo apps serve as an information platform for customers, by gathering all the information about your brand in one place. They are great for musicians, celebrities, chefs, personal trainers, dance studios, event management, and designers. Promo app features can include:

  • A wall for fan commentary
  • Image and video gallery
  • Music playlists
  • YouTube plugin
  • Social media integration
  • Blogs and articles
  • Podcasts
  • Download support
  • Push notifications

eCommerce apps

An eCommerce mobile app can be a great addition to your business, as it allows customers to shop for their favorite products on the go. With an eCommerce app, you can increase brand recognition, improve marketing communication, and enhance customer experience. Some features you can include in eCommerce apps are:

  • Custom branding
  • Intuitive signup/sign-in process
  • Creative design
  • Social media integration
  • Rating and feedback
  • Wishlist button
  • Push notifications (remind customers about items left in their cart)
  • Easy checkout process

The Rebranditt Process

The application development process at Rebranditt goes through five distinct stages:

Meeting and briefing: The first step is to meet and discuss the project with the client, to understand their goals and requirements.Graphic design and interface design: The next step is to create the visual elements of the app, such as the layout, color scheme, and overall aesthetic.

Information architecture and wireframe designs: After the visual elements are established, the team will create the information architecture and wireframe designs. These will be reviewed and approved by the client.

Developing the infrastructure and framework: Once the designs are approved, the development team will begin building the infrastructure and framework of the app.

Beta test, debugging, final tweaks: Before the app is submitted for publication, it will go through a beta test phase to identify and fix any bugs or issues. Any final tweaks will also be made at this stage.

After the final approval, the app will be submitted for publication on Apple and Google Play, which can take a few days to a few weeks. We also provide marketing campaigns to promote the app after launch. For maintenance, we offer custom-made contracts that are tailored to your app’s needs. Our services include software updates, management, answering questions, scheduling appointments, sending reminders, uploading content, push notifications, and collecting comments and reviews, depending on the requirements of your business.

Take advantage of the increasing usage of mobile apps and CONTACT US for a new and revolutionary new application. 

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