Marketers are capitalizing on the high social media usage in the Middle East, Africa, and Latin America by targeting users with more shopping ads. According to New Media Academy, individuals in these regions spend an average of three and a half hours per day on social networks, making them a prime audience for such ads.

Social Shopping:

How social shopping became a necessity

The way people use social media has changed, with many now using it to search for and purchase products. A MasterCard study revealed that 73% of consumers in the Middle East, Africa and Latin America (MEA) region have been shopping online since the Covid-19 pandemic.

The pandemic has highlighted the significance of online shopping, with more people staying at home, leading to a shift in consumer behavior. This has prompted businesses to adjust their marketing strategies and focus more on social media platforms.

At Rebranditt, we assist our clients in leveraging their social media accounts as effective advertising tools to boost brand awareness and drive sales.

Online shopping via Social Media

Shopping ads on social media are a powerful tool for businesses as they offer a visually engaging experience for users. As people scroll through their feeds or watch stories on Instagram, they are likely to come across your ads and learn about your products. By featuring a carousel of photos or a video showcasing your products, you can entice users to find out more about your brand.

The Call-To-Action button is a useful feature that allows you to guide users to different actions, such as connecting with customer service through direct messages, making a phone call, or making an instant purchase on your website. This helps to convert interested users into customers.


Instagram, with its heavy focus on visuals, has become a popular source of inspiration for users worldwide. This has led to a significant increase in traffic on the app. Additionally, with the rise of brand ambassadors and influencers promoting products on their accounts, consumers have started using Instagram as a platform for online shopping. reports that 72% of users make a purchasing decision after seeing a post or story on Instagram. Millions of users are now clicking on shopping ads to browse and buy products, making Instagram an effective advertising platform for businesses.

Instagram Shopping:

Instagram Shopping offers various features that allow brands to showcase their products within Stories, organic posts and ad campaigns. Additionally, the feature enhances the discoverability of your products by matching them to your target audience in the Search & Explore section on the app, making it easier for users to find and buy your products.

Instagram offers several features that make it easy for businesses to sell their products directly on the platform. These features include:

1. Shops: This feature allows businesses with a business account to create a digital storefront on Instagram where users can purchase products directly.

2. Instagram Shops: This in-app feature, accessed by clicking on the “bag” icon next to the “reels,” suggests collections and products based on the accounts a user follows, posts they like, and in-app behavior. It displays all the businesses that have Instagram accounts, making it easy for users to discover new brands and products.

3. Shopping Tags: This feature allows businesses to focus on their products in posts and stories by adding a tag to the bottom left of a post, which when clicked, shows the item’s name and price and redirects users to the brand’s Catalog or website to purchase the product.

4. Product Detail Page: When influencers tag a product in their posts, it is added to a product detail page which displays all the data about a specific product, such as photos, sizes, description, prices, and a CTA that leads to the brand’s website or e-commerce. It also includes a list of recommended products for users to browse.

5. Ads with Product Tags: Instagram ads with product tags are a great way to increase brand awareness. Businesses can use their uploaded posts as ads or design a new ad through Facebook’s Ad Manager. These advertisements influence users to visit the brand’s site, browse their products, and make a purchase.

What Rebranditt does to your Instagram Strategy

People use social media to stay connected with their favorite brands, influencers, and celebrities, keep up with the latest news and trends, and share their own creative content. With more users posting and viewing stories daily, standing out among the digital noise can be challenging for businesses.

Rebranditt offers a solution by creating attention-grabbing shopping ads for your company. Our team works to enhance your social media presence, increase brand exposure, and maximize your return on investment (ROI).

Let’s set you up with a winning Instagram strategy! 


Pinterest is another app that heavily focuses on visuals and generates high traffic. According to Sprout Social, 85% of users make a purchase based on a branded Pinterest post they see. Additionally, Pinterest has implemented features to make buying products on the platform easier. In 2015, a “buy button” was added to pins, and in 2016 a shopping cart feature was added. This enables users to purchase products from multiple vendors on the platform.


Facebook has evolved into a platform for social commerce, positioning itself as a competitor to Amazon and Google Shopping. In 2018, it introduced the Marketplace feature, which quickly gained popularity among users, with over 800 million people buying, selling, and searching for products.

The Marketplace is designed with the user in mind, making it easy for consumers to search for products using price and location filters and facilitating the process of selling products.

Rebranditt offers to design attractive Facebook ads, post them, manage your account and analyze the analytics. Our goal is to increase brand awareness, enhance exposure and drive sales of your products and services.

The advantages of Social Shopping

Social shopping can provide higher customer engagement due to its ability to reach a diverse audience. Businesses can use GeoTargeting, specific keywords, or target a specific niche by studying their Instagram patterns, interests, and behaviors. This allows for a more personalized and effective marketing strategy.

Social shopping offers several benefits for businesses, including:

  • Audience growth: As more people create social media accounts, your brand will have the opportunity to be exposed to new audiences, increasing brand awareness and sales.


  • Authentic engagement and traffic: Social shopping allows your brand to achieve interactions and reach when you post compelling content. When your brand is frequently displayed in a consumer’s feed, it will influence them to check your products or services, visit your website, and even make a purchase. Social media also allows you to interact with customers through polls and questions on Stories, the comment section on your posts, and live feeds.


  • Getting shared and recommended: Social media can be a double-edged sword for your brand. When customers are satisfied with your products and services, they can easily share your posts or page via their stories or DMs, and even post images or videos tagging your brand, giving you free advertising. But when they’re disappointed, they can post negative reviews and talk about their poor experience, making you lose potential customers and money.


  • Higher search engine ranking: Companies that advertise their products via social media have higher search engine rankings. Increased engagement leads to content targeting your audience, which increases sales. This generates organic actions such as link building, reviews, comments, and recommendations, enhances your online presence, and optimizes your search engine ranking.


  • Forming a long-lasting bond with your customers: When consumers are satisfied with your products and services, they will trust your brand, advocate for it, and keep coming back to make more purchases. Rebranditt creates captivating ads for your business and monitors your relationship with first-time buyers to turn them into regulars.


  • Detailed analytics: social media provides complete insights into your performance with built-in metrics for impressions, engagements, and reach. You can also check how many people are visiting your profile or clicking on the link to your website and analyze your number of likes, followers, and interactions. These metrics show your return on investment (ROI) and help you evaluate your key performance indicators (KPIs) to see if you’re reaching your business goals.

Why Rebranditt?

At Rebranditt, we customize campaigns specifically tailored to your brand’s goals and needs. We conduct research on your target audience’s online behavior, such as the posts they view, purchases they make, and branded accounts they interact with. Our goal is to ensure your brand receives the exposure it needs and attracts more followers and customers.

Our team of social media experts and copywriters utilize various tactics to capture users’ attention and influence them to purchase your products or services. We design eye-catching stories, compelling content, and employ relevant hashtags, stay on top of new trends and create a unique aesthetic that aligns with your brand. Rebranditt goes the extra mile to connect your brand with the right audience and increase your revenue.

Do you need help promoting your products and managing your social media accounts? Look no further! 

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