If you’re looking for ways to reach a larger audience by targeting individuals who have interacted with your brand but haven’t yet made a purchase, then remarketing is the solution for you.

Remarketing ad services:

What’s remarketing?

Remarketing can be thought of as a second chance to connect with individuals who have previously engaged with your app or website. By displaying targeted ads in front of these users on social media, Google, or other partnered websites, you can increase their interest in your brand and convert them into paying customers.

Remarketing can be used to achieve various business objectives such as increasing brand awareness, boosting profits, increasing enrollment, reducing shopping cart abandonment, and more. It’s important to develop effective retargeting strategies to achieve these goals.

“Optimize your conversion funnel with Rebranditt’s smart remarketing techniques.”

Google ads remarketing techniques:

  • Remarketing is a powerful tool for reaching potential customers who have already shown interest in your products or services. There are several different types of remarketing campaigns that you can use, each with its own unique benefits.
  • Standard remarketing is designed for users who frequently visit your website while browsing the Display Network. This type of remarketing allows you to target these users with relevant ads and increase the chances of conversion.
  • Dynamic remarketing is used to reach users who have visited your e-commerce website but did not make a purchase. By displaying ads on other websites, you can encourage these users to return to your site and complete their purchases.
  • Remarketing lists for search ads (RLSA) is used to target users who are still searching for the products or services they viewed on your website. By displaying ads to these users on Google, you can increase the chances of them returning to your site and making a purchase.
  • Video remarketing allows you to reach users who have watched your video content on social media or YouTube. By displaying ads in the apps and sites they use or other videos they view, you can reconnect with these users and encourage them to return to your site.
  • Finally, customer list remarketing allows you to use data provided by your clients through Customer match to display ads throughout multiple Google searches and reconnect with them. This type of remarketing can be a powerful way to increase conversions and boost sales.

Social Media Remarketing

  • Remarketing lists for search ads (RLSA) is used to target users who are still searching for the products or services they viewed on your website. By displaying ads to these users on Google, you can increase the chances of them returning to your site and making a purchase.
  • Video remarketing allows you to reach users who have watched your video content on social media or YouTube. By displaying ads in the apps and sites they use or other videos they view, you can reconnect with these users and encourage them to return to your site.
  • Finally, customer list remarketing allows you to use data provided by your clients through Customer match to display ads throughout multiple Google searches and reconnect with them. This type of remarketing can be a powerful way to increase conversions and boost sales.